
Friday, October 29, 2010

Nicole aka Paleo Superstar!!

Nicole Bousquet Woods was one of the winners of the first 60 Day Paleo Challenge. Nicole is an incredible inspiration in many ways. This vibrant beauty is a devoted wife and mother of two amazing kids, Madison and Spencer. Nicole takes every challenge she approaches head on, and going Paleo was no different! She trains hard pulling mad Sumo Deadlifts and is currently training for the Ride to Conquer Cancer in memory of her dear friend Travis. Please Visit the link above and join the ride or make a donation! 

Nicole's Story

When I heard about the 60 day primal challenge I knew it was something I had to do! I wanted to change my eating and knew that signing up for a challenge and committing to clean eating for 60 days was the motivation I needed, plus I really wanted to win it! The key to my success was experimenting with all sorts of recipes and always being prepared, never leaving the house without paleo friendly snacks! After the first week I was already noticing a difference in the way I felt and the way I looked. The bloated uncomfortable feeling I always experienced after eating had subsided considerably and I was already feeling a change in how my clothes fit! The longer I was on the challenge the better I felt, I had more energy, my clothes were looser, and overall I just felt better. I made sure to work extra hard in my workouts and push myself to my limits, and was pleased to see my strength and endurance increase. My lower back pain decreased immensely and I felt like I could conquer the world! It is a big committment to do this challenge but once you start seeing and feeling the results you will find its easy to stick to. Don't be afraid to search the internet for great meal ideas and make almond flour your new best friend because there is some great baking ideas that use it!! The whole experience really was life changing and has given me a greater understanding of food and how it affects our bodies. I know for me it has become part of my life, even after I was done with the competition I knew this way of eating was what my body needs to function at an optimal level. If you try it and stick with it you won't regret it! So feel great, get empowered and join the paleo challenge!

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