
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Feelin' Saucy??

     Aioli is a "mayo-like" sauce hailing from the Provence region in the south of France. Traditionally, Ailoi was made with just Garlic and Olive Oil. Egg yolk was then added to create a thicker, creamier consistency. The beauty of this Naked Aioli lies in its flexibility. Use it as a blank canvas! The flavor combinations reach as far as you allow your imagination to go!! Have fun and experiment with your favorite flavors! Here are a few of mine....

Naked Homemade Aioli
Makes 3/4 cup
  • 1 Large Egg Yolk*
  • 2 tsp (or to taste) fresh Lemon Juice
  • Sea Salt  to taste
  • 1 small Garlic Clove, minced
  • 3/4 cup Olive Oil, divided (Aioli can have a very rich flavor depending on the grade of Olive Oil used. For a lighter taste go for an oil lighter in color)
  • Combine egg yolk, lemon juice, garlic and a pinch of salt in medium bowl. Whisk quickly until blended and bright yellow, about 30 seconds.
  • Using 1/4 teaspoon measure and whisking constantly, add 1/4 cup oil to yolk mixture, a few drops at a time, about 4 minutes. Gradually add remaining 1/2 cup oil in very slow thin stream, whisking constantly, until mayonnaise is thick, about 8 minutes (Aioli will be lighter in color). 
  • Cover and store refrigerated for up to 3 days.                                                                            
Raw egg is not recommended for infants, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems. To avoid the risk of salmonella infection, you can use pasteurized egg yolk instead

    Lime Tarragon Ailoi
    • 3/4 cup Naked Ailoi
    • zest of 1 lime
    • 2 tbsp Tarragon, minced
    Combine all ingredients and mix well.
    Incredible paired with any fish or chicken dish and amazing on Asparagus!

    Basil Lemon Aioli
    • 3/4 cup Naked Aioli
    • 1/2 oz fresh Basil Leaves, minced
    • zest of 1 Lemon

    Combine all ingredients and mix well.
    Incredible paired with any fish, chicken or veggie dish.

    Chipotle Lime Aioli
    Combine ingredients, mix well and enjoy with any
    Pork or Beef dish. Amazing on eggs too :)

    Friday, October 29, 2010

    Nicole aka Paleo Superstar!!

    Nicole Bousquet Woods was one of the winners of the first 60 Day Paleo Challenge. Nicole is an incredible inspiration in many ways. This vibrant beauty is a devoted wife and mother of two amazing kids, Madison and Spencer. Nicole takes every challenge she approaches head on, and going Paleo was no different! She trains hard pulling mad Sumo Deadlifts and is currently training for the Ride to Conquer Cancer in memory of her dear friend Travis. Please Visit the link above and join the ride or make a donation! 

    Nicole's Story

    When I heard about the 60 day primal challenge I knew it was something I had to do! I wanted to change my eating and knew that signing up for a challenge and committing to clean eating for 60 days was the motivation I needed, plus I really wanted to win it! The key to my success was experimenting with all sorts of recipes and always being prepared, never leaving the house without paleo friendly snacks! After the first week I was already noticing a difference in the way I felt and the way I looked. The bloated uncomfortable feeling I always experienced after eating had subsided considerably and I was already feeling a change in how my clothes fit! The longer I was on the challenge the better I felt, I had more energy, my clothes were looser, and overall I just felt better. I made sure to work extra hard in my workouts and push myself to my limits, and was pleased to see my strength and endurance increase. My lower back pain decreased immensely and I felt like I could conquer the world! It is a big committment to do this challenge but once you start seeing and feeling the results you will find its easy to stick to. Don't be afraid to search the internet for great meal ideas and make almond flour your new best friend because there is some great baking ideas that use it!! The whole experience really was life changing and has given me a greater understanding of food and how it affects our bodies. I know for me it has become part of my life, even after I was done with the competition I knew this way of eating was what my body needs to function at an optimal level. If you try it and stick with it you won't regret it! So feel great, get empowered and join the paleo challenge!

    Tuesday, October 26, 2010

    Time For Another Challenge!!


         It's time again for another Primal Rx Paleo Challenge! Our first Paleo challenge began July 26th, lasted 60 days and was a wicked success. Over 30 participants spanning the globe from Alberta all the way to Japan took charge of their health and well being for 60 days and realized dramatic transformations! From weight-loss to performance gains to decreased symptoms from pre-existing health concerns, everyone reaped the positive rewards of the Paleo plan.

        The next challenge begins November 1st and lasts for 30 days. 

    Take charge of your life and empower yourself with the knowledge of how the foods you consume are really affecting your health and fitness goals!

    Getting Started

    1. Take a look at the video "Paleo in a Nutshell" a great crash course on why going Paleo is a great idea!
    2. Read  "Anyone Up for A Challenge". This post will give you most of the info you need to get going on the challenge. This challenge is set for 30 days due to holidays etc rather than 60 days. Although, I guarantee by the end of the 30 days you'll want to keep going you'll be feeling soooo.....good :)
    3. Familiarize yourself with foods that are acceptable, and foods to eliminate or avoid on the Paleo plan. Read "Paleo Yay Foods" and "Paleo Nay Foods"
    4. Go shopping!! Stock your kitchen with the tools you'll need to be successful! A huge part of making this transition painless is being prepared with healthy Paleo foods on hand at all times.
    A few key tools include:

    • Storage containers and Ziploc baggies of all sizes
    • An insulated lunch kit
    • Roasting pan and/or crock pot
    • Blender
    As far as food staples go, these are a few I like to have on hand:

    • Spices! Lots and lots of different spices!! 
    • Eggs and Egg Whites
    • Chicken Breast
    • Salmon
    • Beef or Bison Roast
    • Broccoli and Cauliflower
    • Celery and Carrots
    • Sweet Potatoes
    • Onions, Garlic and Ginger
    • Apples and Bananas
    • Lemons and Oranges 
    • Avocados
    • Almonds and Walnuts
    • Coconut Milk and Coconut Oil
    • Olive Oil and Flaxseed Oil
    5. Do a major kitchen sweep! Get rid of all non-Paleo foods! Donate your canned and dry goods to your local Food Bank or Womens Shelter. Give it away to your friends or family. Doesn't really matter where it goes, as long as you rid your kitchen of the temptation!
    6. Do some research! The internet is full of great Paleo recipes, be adventurous and experiment! Be creative and learn to embrace new flavors and new ways of approaching your meals. Elena's Pantry and Everyday Paleo are two of my fave sites for great recipes.
    7. Lastly, we are all doing this challenge as a community! Please use this blog to support and encourage one another, comment, share recipes and experiences as we go through this amazing transformation together!

    Ready to sign up?? Email me at for an information package!

    Sunday, August 8, 2010

    Got The Munchies??

        Since transitioning to Paleo my snack cravings have done a complete 360 back flip! Pre-Paleo era I would crave crunchy, savory salty snacks; not so much the case now! For some strange reason, I'm all about the chocolaty snacks these days. Rich, dark, bittersweet CHOCOLATE. Could it be I'm attracted to its mystery and intrigue? Perhaps it pulls me in with its seductive, intoxicating nature? Or....Maybe the attraction is more pure. Could it be my bodies' inate sensibility begging for the healing properties of chocolate?

        For thousands of years Cocoa has been used by ancient civilizations such as the Aztec and Mayan peoples for it's healing properties. Dark Cocoa contains a high quantity of flavinoids which have been shown to lower blood pressure and prevent hypertension. Raw Cocoa is also a powerful anti-oxidant. One cup of Cocoa contains more anti-oxidant properties than one cup of Green Tea.

    Here is one of my favorite Paleo sweet, chocolaty treats.

    Cocoa Coconut Macaroons
    • 3 Egg Whites
    • 1/3 Cup of Raw Honey
    • 3 Tbsp Cocoa Powder, unsweetened & dark
    • 3/4 Cup Walnuts, chopped
    • 11/2 Cups Shredded Coconut, unsweetened
    1. Preheat oven to 350F/180C
    2. Prechill a large stainless bowl in the freezer for 20 mins
    3. Whip egg whites in chilled bowl until firm peaks form.
    4. Mix all dry ingredients in a separate bowl
    5. Fold half of the dry ingredients into the egg whites with half of the honey. Be gentle and fold in the remaining ingredients.
    6. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper & form 2 tsp of mixture into small balls, place on the sheet.
    7. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes, or until lightly browned.
    8. Let cool on sheet, and store in covered container for up to a week....that is if they last that long!!
    Please make sure the Cocoa you buy is Organic and Fair Trade. It's all about quality of food rather than quantity. Become aware of how your food comes to your table. First grow and raise what food you can, second support your local farmers by shopping at the Farmers Markets nearby and lastly, whatever you must buy from the grocery stores; look for Organic and Fair Trade products. Food is much more nourishing when you feel good about where it came from. Realize the food choices we make have a huge impact others.

    Hope you enjoy these little bites of heaven as much as we do!

    Thursday, July 29, 2010

    All Dressed Up!

         Learning to be creative with condiments and dressings is essential to keeping garden salads, slaws and meat/egg salads interesting. Stock your fridge with a few different homemade dressings, and the flavor combinations for salads are endless! Making dressing from scratch sounds like a lot of work at first, but it just takes a few minutes; once you try it you'll never go back to the pre-packaged junk!

     The basic foundation for any great homemade dressing begins with a few simple ingredients, EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) and Lemon Juice or Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

    Although the use of Vinegar and Unpasteurized Honey are to be limited on the Paleo plan, I think the health benefits of the two far outweigh the consequences of their use. In my opinion, the small amounts of each are acceptable in moderation.
    These are just a few of my favorites:

    Creamy Basil Dressing  

    • 3 Tbsp. Leeks, chopped (just the white part)
    • 3 Tbsp. Sesame Tahini (ground sesame seeds)
    • 1 Cup EVOO
    • 1/2 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar or 1/4 Cup Lemon Juice
    • 1 tsp. Raw Unpasturized Honey
    • 1 1/2 Cups Fresh Basil Leaves
    • 1/2 to 1 Cup Water
    • Salt-Free Lemon Pepper Spice mix

    Tomato Chili Vinaigrette
    • 1 Cup EVOO
    • 1/2 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar or 1/4 Cup Lemon Juice
    • 2 tsp.Dried Dillweed
    • 1/2 tsp. Celery Seed
    • 2 Tbsp. Chili Powder
    • 1/2 tsp. Pepper
    • 1-5.5oz tin Tomato Paste (find the one that is just tomato no additives)
    • 1-1 1/2 Cup Water 
      Anyberry Vinaigrette
      • 1 Cup fresh or frozen berries of your choice
      • 1/2 Cup EVOO
      • 1/4 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
      • 1/4 Cup Lemon Juice
      • 2 Tbsp. Leeks, chopped (just the white part)
      • 1/2-3/4 tsp. Mustard Powder
      • 1/2 tsp. Basil, dried & 1/2 tsp. Dillweed, dried
      • Pinch of Rosemary, dried
      Procedure is the same for all 3:
      1. Combine all ingredients in blender, puree until smooth
      2. Add water to achieve desired thickness
      3. Keep in a sealed container for up to 1 week in the fridge
      4. Creamy dressings may thicken when chilled, just add a bit of water or Lemon Juice to loosen them up!
      These dressings also make great sauces for grilled fish and chicken!

      Monday, July 26, 2010

      Breakie Got You Stumped???

      Southwest Steak, Peppers & Eggs

           So we're one day into the 60 Day Paleo Challenge and the most common question so far has been....
      "What am I supposed to eat for breakfast?" Followed by..."What do you mean I can't have my oatmeal?" and "You mean I have to drink my coffee black?"

          When I first embarked on my Paleo journey I had the exact same questions. I thought, "There's just no way in hell I'm going to drink black coffee!!" Before converting, I thought only long distance truckers ate steak and eggs for breakfast! Turns out, black coffee has a completely different intrigue than it's creamy, sweet counterpart; and steak and eggs IS actually the breakfast of champions!

      A few tips to make Paleo breakfast time a little easier:

      1. If we learned to prefer coffee with cream and sugar, surely we can also learn to enjoy it without! Be a bad-ass and have it black!
      2. If you really can't let go of the creamy flavor, coconut milk works well. Watch out for the canned stuff though, it has a tendency to curdle. I love this Coconut Milk Powder it's great to have on hand for all sorts of recipes!
      3. Learn to like "supper foods" for breakfast
      4. I always make sure I have leftover protein from supper to add to my morning omelette. Its super quick to toss some eggs, and chopped up veggies in a pan and voila!!! A perfect start to your day!
      5. If you're in a rush, some apple slices with organic almond butter is amazing too.
      6. Smoothies are also great in a rush. Often my day at the gym starts at 5 am, way to early to even contemplate cooking!! For those early mornings I will make a smoothie the night before and keep it in the fridge until morning. Smoothie and a few almonds and I'm off to a great start!
           The dish above was this mornings breakfast.
      What better way to kick off the Challenge than a hearty breakfast! 

      Southwest Steak, Peppers & Eggs 
      1. Saute peppers and onions in a little EVOO with the southwest seasoning
      2. Once peppers and onions are brown in color, add the beef. Saute until meat is warm
      3. Add eggs, cook and serve topped with a bit of tomato or avocado
      This recipe is totally versatile! Use any meat you have leftover in the fridge. Experiment with veggie and spice combinations.

      Arm your kitchen with a variety of Salt-free seasonings and herbs and you'll never have a boring breakie!
      Happy cooking people!!

      Thursday, July 22, 2010

      Anyone up for a challenge??

      Welcome to the 60 Day Paleo Nutrition Challenge!!

      Certain food groups like grains, dairy, sugar and legumes are probably having a negative impact on your health and fitness without you even realizing it…..

       Is your energy level consistently low or non-existent?
       Do you have unexplained stiffness, pain or soreness in your muscles and joints?
       Are you training hard but still struggling to losing weight
       Are you pretty lean but still have a little extra jiggle in certain areas?
       Do you have a condition such as eczema, digestive upset or allergies that medication hasn’t helped?

      These are a few of the symptoms that may be directly related to the foods you eat. Even the so-called “healthy” stuff might actually be causing you harm.

      So how do you know if these foods are affecting your body in a negative way?

      Eliminate them completely.

      Cut out all the inflammatory, insulin-spiking, calorie-dense, nutritionally void food groups for a full 60 days and let your body heal, recover and reset from the negative reactions those foods may be provoking in the body.

      What, exactly, does that mean?

      Strict, 100% compliance with the diet and 10 Commandments for 60 days.

      By committing yourself to this challenge you’ve made a huge step towards increased energy & performance and decreased inflammation & body fat. You will be amazed at the changes that will take place over the next 60 days. Committing to this challenge 100% will radically change the way you view food and your relationship with it. You will be supported in many different ways through the process to ensure your success. I will post helpful information and recipes here on the blog regularly, so follow along!

      Challenge begins Monday July 26th and ends Thursday Sept 23rd!!
      Leave a comment or send me an e-mail @ to get started!!

      Here is a bit of info on the Paleo principle.....

      More info.....