
Friday, July 16, 2010

Paleo Simplified

     So far a huge part of my journey living by the "Primal Rx" has involved a bit of a dietary shift. I'm goin' Primal people!! I've always had a fairly healthy diet, with the odd cheats here and there of course. Throughout my culinary career I have explored every gastro-genre imagineable! From 4 diamond cuisine to street fare, you name it and my hands have been in there! Among my culinary expolits, one theme has remained:

Eat fresh, local, wild, organic happy food raised, grown and prepared with love, respect and pure intention.

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     Diet wise, I've played with Vegan, Vegitarian, Macrobiotic and the traditional Bodybuilders style of low fat, high protien and carob loading. Over the last year through my experinces discovering CrossFit, I happened upon the idea of the Primal/Paleolitic and Zone nutrition concepts. I dabbled off and on with the CrossFit "Rx'd " ideal for nutrition and I had incredible results! My joint inflammation vanished! My energy level skyrocketed and I felt much stronger than ever before. I think I may have even lost a few pounds!! It was amazing how great I felt. On the flipside, the few days I fell off my new meal plans and "cheated" I felt AWFUL!! The swelling in my knees came back instantly and my enegry level plummeted!! 

     So, this blog comes as a response to my desire to live a totally balanced, hydrated, well- fed and energized life. I know now that the ride on the nutritional teeter-totter does nothing to support these goals. For us to be strong, powerful, functional and agile beings we must maintain hormonal and emotional balance. Eating Paleo, is the way us humans are genetically programmed to eat. Making the switch to eating primarily Paleo has made me a much stronger, happier athlete!

     I will be launching a 60 Day Paleo Challenge set to begin Monday July 26th and ending September 23rd. I encourage everyone that is looking to make significant changes in their health, vitality, performance and physique to embrace this challenge. I will keep you up to date on the details. Until then, here is a great little video on the basic Paleo principle to get started!

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